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Undiscovered Growth Opportunity in Oil & Gas: Southern ITS International (SITS)

Writer's picture: Degen MagDegen Mag

Southern ITS International, Inc. ($SITS) is building a Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) and Business-To-Business (B2B) network, to capitalize on the multi-billion dollar e-commerce industry covering a variety of sectors, including manufacturing, distribution, and product sales.

The Company has built and continues to grow an experienced management team capable of leading the company in achieving its goals, which include evolving into a multinational conglomerate through acquisitions and partnerships that will be operational subsidiaries under the $SITS umbrella.


Pure Oil & Gas, Inc

Pure Oil & Gas Inc, the Company’s oil & gas subsidiary, is bursting onto the scene in Texas with a new well online and 4 more underway. In just under 2 months from announcing the completion of drilling the well, production is flowing and 1st sales have begun.

For the month of October, the well produced 3 loads of oil totaling 510 barrels. More importantly than the quantity is the fact the loads were sold to BLM, a huge supplier to the likes of Exxon, Chevron and most of the big oil companies in the United States. This solidifies the Company’s quality, service and acceptability with the big players, assuring them a ready buyer for all they can produce.

The Company has also set up a system of funding drilling and other projects through a partnership structure with investors, avoiding the need to dilute the stock to fund expansion. The current producing well and costs to bring the additional 4 online are already financed with no impact to current shareholders. This is the plan and structure going forward as the Company steps up its expansion plans for additional production and acquisitions.

Kinzie, LLC

In August of this year the Company agreed to acquire Kinzie, LLC., an e-commerce jewelry enterprise founded in 2013 that has demonstrated exceptional growth in the online retail sphere. In 2023, Kinzie LLC strategically expanded its product offerings to include everyday household items helping them to surpass $28,000,000 in sales since its inception.

Shibue Couture Inc.

A wholly owned women’s fashion line whose revenues increased by 344% for the period of January 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023 compared to the same period for 2022. The opening of the Company’s Amazon Store this year and expanded product lines with added points of distribution has contributed to their growth.

Ingenious Roasters, LLC,

The Company’s beverage subsidiary has entered a collaboration with GetchaBrand, a renowned U.K. based product launch and digital marketing consultancy that specializes in the development of direct-to-consumer brands. The initial focus is on launching a revolutionary nutrition drink infused with coffee with the inaugural brand and product in the first quarter of 2024.


Late last year the Company cancelled over 89mm outstanding shares to bring the current outstanding to just over 104mm with a little over 44mm held at DTC. There is no current dilution and with the partnership style of financing projects, would expect any dilution going forward to be minimal. Management is committed is protecting their share structure and growing shareholder value. They showed this through the cancellation of the 89mm shares which required the Company to file a lawsuit to accomplish.


The RSI has cooled on daily since hitting a recent high of $0.08. The stock has been consolidating in the mid $0.05s-$0.07 range for the last couple of months on good volume. The $0.08s have been the key resistance area for the stock over the last year after hitting a high of $0.094 in December of last year. With the recent activity and growth, they are reporting in the oil subsidiary and 4 new wells coming online, look for the stock to make a solid push into the mid $0.08s to set up a test of the $0.094 high.

Chart is positioned for a push to test 3-year resistance level of $0.10 as strong volume and news flow from their pipeline of catalysts on the subsidiaries continues, with 3 year high $0.1185 in reach.


The author of this article may have received compensation from a third party. Full disclosures can be found here:

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